Logo : Marie-Claude Drolet

Sylvie Lemieux holds a B.A. in translation (1980) and a masters in translation and terminology (1984) from Laval University. In 1985, she embarks on the long and perilous journey of the doctorate at the same university. She learns to move on both priorities of her life simultaneously: the education of her two children and research on the functioning of the brain, while working as an interpreter, lecturer at the B.A. in translation level (namely general translation, economy, science and sociology) and as a freelance translator and researcher to make money. A very rewarding, roller coaster type of experience with guaranteed thrills and chills.
After receiving her doctorate (1995), Sylvie becomes self-employed. In 2001, she opens her own translation firm, Tradinter inc. She handles the Canada Post account for her main client, Tessier Translations, for nine years. The in-depth study of mental processes involved in translating – the subject of her doctorate thesis – led to the constant improvement of her work method. She has been dictating her texts (on a cassette dictaphone at first, and then on a digital dictaphone, and finally using the Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition system).
In the context of a seminar by the Mouvement Humanisation, she has reflected on the many crises confronting the human being. This marked the turning point of her career. She has come to realize the importance of happiness and started developing her expertise to help her colleagues increase their well-being at work.
Photo : Audet Communication Inc.
The Company
Vision: Be the benchmark in practical translation
Mission: Provide translation services that make the most of translation professionals’ analytical abilities and creativity
Values: Dedication, honesty, efficiency, and creativity in the service of quality for our clients

Translation and Interpretation Services
We translate from English into French and from Italian into French. Our broad experience and flexibility allow us to deliver texts that are idiomatic and that correctly apply clients’ specialized terminology.
We offer also interpretation services from English into French and French into English.

Out of a concern for the dehumanization of our profession and the many problems it causes (stress, difficulty in concentration, burnout), we have developed a special synergistic approach both for beginning and veteran translators. This approach can provide greater efficiency and prevent burnout.

Updated, June 25 2017